
Pale Demon by Kim Harrison.
I love her series about the witch Rachel Morgan and all the stuff that happens in each book. This series on consistently great! I have yet to be disappointed with any of the books, they just keep getting better. I love the characters and their interaction with each other. I cannot wait for Pale Demon!
2.Green Eyed Demon by Jaye Wells

Both prior books in the series were absolutely great books to read. I cannot wait for the story to continue. These books have great action, some lovin, and an arse kicking heroine. What more can one want?
3. The Dark and Hallow Places by Carrie Ryan

Seriously, why do I want this? There is nothing better in a book series with vivid writing that sucks you into the characters lives in a future than the Forest of Hands and Teeth series. There is nothing more for my man to complain about than another zombie book. It is like a panic attack in the waiting for the waiting on the release of this title.
4. River Marked by Patricia Briggs.

Ahhh Mercy why do you have to look like some dude's wet dream on this cover? Man doesn't Adam censor these ?!? This is another one of those series I love more and more with each book in it! Patricia just keeps on getting better! Her last book left off some characters in the story that had some suspenseful moments in other books so I am hoping that this book picks them back up, but whoa am I waiting this title! I love Mercy and her kick arse coyote self standing up for what she is going for.
Please note that these 5 books are not numbered by most wanted, because I could not factor that in it would be like 1.2, 1.3 and so forth because they rock. There are also a lot more wonderful titles appearing next year that I cannot wait to get my hands on ;)
This is also a part of the Contest Craze by the Princess Bookie, so tell us your anticipated titles of 2011!
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