I see the beautiful pics of authors and books, and ARC's and it brings a tear to mine eye, but I know one year it will be closer and I will hire a nanny and rock that BEA joint with the rest of us Armchair divas. Who is with me on that?!
Put BEA on the West Coast, and I will totally be there. And nerds hurry up and crack the code for teleportation, I need a latte.
Genres I love:
YA, PNR, UF, Romance, Historical, Sci/Fi, Fantasty.
Five Favorite Books Released this Month:
Divergent, Tempest Rising, The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland .., Graveminder, and Hard Bitten.
Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream This Month:
Green Tea
Favorite Song on the Ipod:
Adele- Rolling in the Deep
So there you have it for my Monday. Sweet BEA I wish I could run off to you, but you are too darn far away! One day I will get out of my chair and peruse you, and see those lovely authors and their amazing books, but that day is not today, but tomorrow may it be spectacular!
-Teri C
I'll have to try that green tea ice cream! I've never heard of it, but I do love your music choice :) What a fun first post! Loving it :D
Hello! Why isnt scientist up with the program yet??? lol Great post and Im obsessed with Rolling in the Deep right now!
LOL - Seriously, what's up with those lame-o scientists? I thought they were supposed to be SMART. Sheesh.
Glad to have found you via Armchair BEA!
Found your from my Armchair....terrific blog! You gots a new follower here.(I just want the flying car that I was promised by the Jetsons)
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