My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Radiance tells the tale of the Immortals Series Ever's sister Riely. Riley is trying to find out what this middle ground place is in the afterlife and is now on a post to help other spirits in crossing the bridge to all the stuff you didn't get to do on earth. Your 'spirit journey', sounds like a nice place after crossing the bridge Riley didn't. Yes my spirit journey would involve more ready, a keg of root beer and endless anime. Sweet huh?
In the book Riley is trying to find her place in the afterlife, is inducted into Soul Catching, which basically is trash talking people out of their misery torment humans on earth and going across the shiny bridge. With the help of her trust flying dog Riley begins the path of becoming someone in the afterlife and helping other lost spirits find the free time place of endless happiness, to which she can thus view her family having a great time doing whatever they did not get to do on earth. Nice huh? ;)
Radiance was a great view on Riley. I love some of the concepts in the book, and Riley's view on life is just great.
It is a great book in a sitting and the end leaves you felling fulfilled.
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