Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spotlight on Susanna Kearsley

Conde Nast Traveler had this great photo and article up when I was trolling Scottish Highland Photos
It was too beautiful not to head up this post with it.

If by chance, you are unfamiliar with Susanna Kearsley's work, do go find one at your local bookstore or library.

A Desperate Fortune releases earlier this month and I stalked the mail for several days pining the arrival because this author can blend history and light romance together. I love these books in print. I have a lot of ebooks (darn one click purchases, I do so love you) but not only are they great to hold in your hand, but they are also gorgeous. And the row on my shelf catches my eye often. That is why I reread Kearsley with a vengeance. 

A blend of modern and Jacobite rebellion period (Holy Outlander TV time also!) and I have a fabulous brogue Scotsman and lass speaking in my mind while I absorb this book. 

With vivid description author Susanna Kearsley captures present and past through the eyes of two very different period and personality characters. There is some hot kissing, because when there is like one kiss in these books, we swoon. And some hand holding - be still my beating heart! But do not get discouraged romance lovers because even through the author doesn't get hot and heavy with her characters, oh my, the light romance will captivate you and give warm feels.  The history is well entwined throughout the story line so a reader doesn't get the bogged down in history and with the present day aspect of the book, readers will also get the feel of what present day places hold within them historical elements. 

A Desperate Fortune by Susanna Kearsley9781492602026 * $16.99/TP * ON-SALE: April 7, 2015
For nearly three hundred years, the cryptic journal of Mary Dundas has lain unread. Now, amateur code breaker Sara Thomas has been sent to Paris to crack the cipher.
Jacobite exile Mary Dundas is filled with longing—for freedom, for adventure, for the family she lost. When fate opens the door, Mary dares to set her foot on a path far more surprising and dangerous than she ever could have dreamed.
As Mary’s gripping tale is revealed, Sara is faced with challenges that will require letting go of everything she thought she knew—about herself, about loyalty, and especially about love. Though divided by centuries, these two women will be united in a quest to discover the limits of trust and the coincidences of fate.

Author Bio:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Susanna Kearsley is known for her meticulous research and exotic settings from Russia to Italy to Cornwall, which not only entertain her readers but give her a great reason to travel. Her lush writing has been compared to Mary Stewart, Daphne du Maurier, and Diana Gabaldon. She hit the bestseller lists in the U.S. with The Firebird (a RITA winner) as well as, The Winter Sea and The Rose Garden (both RITA finalists and winners of RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards). Other honors include National Readers' Choice Awards, the prestigious Catherine Cookson Fiction Prize, and finaling for the UK's Romantic Novel of the Year Award. Her popular and critically acclaimed books are available in translation in more than 20 countries and as audiobooks. She lives in Canada, near the shores of Lake Ontario.

But wait! There is more:
Sourcebooks has a fabulous giveaway going throughout these Blog Tour Spots
5) lucky winners will receive from Sourcebooks Susanna Kearsley's entire BACKLIST!

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