Thursday, August 30, 2012

Review: Shadows Before The Sun

 Shadows Before The Sun
Kelly Gay
ISBN: 9781451625486

            Charlie Madigan begins her week optimistic in her abilities of her government and the heads of several groups helping to get her partner Hank released from the custody of his homeland of Fiallan, but as she soon finds out, the net that Fiallan casts upon its people is more deadly and cunning than ever before. Kelly Gay returns to Atlanta and beyond with Shadows Before The Sun, and this series has never been more heartwrenching or hotter than before. With death and destruction all around her Charlie Madigan plays a hard heroine who just wants her life back and she will fight to keep everyone close to her safe.

            Shadows Before The Sun is a powerhouse of awesomesauce. I cannot begin to explain how thrilled I was with this book even though it carried with it a complicated slew of emotions as Charlie and Hank are pushed to the brink of their survival and their feelings for each other. Charlie is walking a tightrope of obligations and following rules to find and save her partner, even as everyone tells her to give up she pushed forward and uncovers a horrifying history subduing and entire race to the evil plots of a few old mystical hags. Charlie is looing friends she did not even realize that she had as she digs deeper into the workings of the siren city called Fiallan but finding and rescuing Hank is more important than propriety.

            If voices can seduce, then looks can kill as Charlie is strapped for time in saving her partner Hank from terrible magics in a far off world. A new case is building up back at Atlanta as a death has happened in the Grove and the Druid King Pendaran is looking for answers. Charlie soon has to face off Sachath, the killer of the First Ones, and as magic is building up all around Charlie will she be able to tame all three elements of magic in time to fend off death so that she can have a future in her world?  Shadows Before The Sun will delight readers known to this series. Just as the world looks dark it can easily turn bleaker around every turn and only the strong and perseverant can survive the coming storm and their destinies. 

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