Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Release Day: Under Suspicion by Hannah Jayne

Release Day Review: 

Under Suspicion
Underworld Detective Agency Book #3
Hannah Jayne
Kensington Books
releases 5.1.2012

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Our Thoughts on Under Suspicion:

     Sophie Lawson has been having a hard time at her job in the Underworld, what with the Vampires taking over, her boss missing, and staff cuts but when her boss does not believe there is a hunt on paranormals Sophie takes care of her own. Being not quite human, and yet not quite paranormal has left her out of many social circles and has lost her Alex her past boyfriend. Alone and yet with her Guardian Will Sophie starts to take on the night and investigate what is going wrong in the Underworld while at the same time dodging bullets and saving her roommates. 

   Under Suspicion came off as a stronger read than the last UDA novel, I was glad to see Sophie take action and investigate her murdered clients while also take some romance under her belt. With Sophie attracted to both local Will and Alex who spends the novel off working, Sophie finally gets some action, while also coming to grips with the unavailability of Alex. Tired of being passed off at work, Sophie follows leads into the murders of citizens of the Underworld while also being hunted herself. Where the facts start to lead Sophie can turn dangerous to her health around every turn, and some great accompanying characters save or break her day. 
      Readers will delight in some of the antics of supporting characters in the series and see a few new ones, while the snarky commentary and bunny slippers will keep up from what was in the previous books. I find myself always questioning the covers of this series because while I love the cover art itself, I do not find any connection to Sophie herself through them but in Under Suspicion we learn from Sophie herself that this would be her ideal model of what she wants to look like in: "In my imagination I am Sophie Lawson, Badass Investigator, Paranormal Specialist. I wear black leather like a second skin; I wield a sexy jeweled sword; I have the kind of hair that files in gorgeous wisps over my naked, carved shoulders." (ARC pg 177)  So with that in mind I can have compassion for the covers because really would we not many times imagine ourselves as this awesome heroine and look fabulous? when really reality is not as kind to oneself in skintight leather and well, swords are pretty pricey. So while I agree with Sophie, our imagined selves are quite full of badassery all too often. Sophie does follow her leads and take the reins in saving not only her Underworld, but also some of her friends. The ending was completely awesome and now I cannot wait to see what comes in the next installments of the Underworld Detective Agency Series.

*received a copy of this book for review by the publisher. An honesty review was typed out by me with at least three cups of coffee in my system and I hope all errors were auto-corrected or fixed by flying monkeys in residence.

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