So I have been plagued all week, and what is worse is that it was the kind of feverishly sick that means you are even to sick to read, or listen to audio books, or even the radio. Yes it has been sad here, and the kids have taken all opportunities to do odd things to me while I was passed out, like lining my blanket with Annies Cheddar Bunnies and taking all of my bookmarks out of books and even getting a hand on a camera and taking odd shots of me (no I am not putting them online anywhere), but I did see a few great covers shown online this morning as I was doing homework:

ShadowFever in paperback. Freaking awesome cover huh? I almost just want it in paperback for its cover

Hounded has one amazing cover, as also does the whole series. I cannot wait to read it. Even though the release dates have all been pushed back the anticipation is killing me.
See all these great covers! There were tons more great covers but these were a sweet pair this morning.
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