Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shadow Walker by LA Banks

Shadow WalkerShadow Walker by L.A. Banks

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Are you the teen kids of the Guardian's of Light? Well then we have a school for you! Looks like a pyramid, has a sordid past, punky other students with a hard on to get back at you for having hidden powers and powerful parents, then come on down. Location not provided.

Picking up from LA Banks extensive Guardians of Light series, we come into Shadow Walker into the realm of the kids POV. With school peer drama, hot romance and angst, to some rapid action, Shadow Walker is filled with its own teenage language and feeling to it. This is a story of the coming of age of strong entities and how they find themselves and their families as they begin to figure out their life, and all the hardships and sorrows life throws back at them.

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